Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mahal Banget Sih??

Kenapa ya, pendidikan di Indonesia begitu mahalnya? Oke deh.. mungkin karena pemerintah udah gak bisa lagi ngebiayain masyarakatnya untuk maju. Dengan kata lain, kalo bisa rakyatnya mah degradasi otak aja deh..

Serem banget, kalo memang hal tersebut terjadi di pemerintahan kita. Tapi ya, emang iya sih, kenapa yang sekolah tinggi2 itu hanya orang-orang yang mampu membayar uang lebih dibandingkan rakyat jelata yang hidup aja udah pas-pasan.

Hmmf.. emang hidup ini keras sekali ya.. dan emang kejam banget dunia ini kalo kita bener-bener gak bisa memanfaatkan sesuatu dari diri kita sendiri buat hidup.

Tapi balik lagi ke masalah masyarakat. Gue bukannya gimana-gimana ama rakyat Indonesia. Sepertinya mereka sudah nyaman berada pada keadaannya sekarang. Miskin ya miskin.. pasti jawabannya mau apa lagi.. ya pemerentah itu mau nya begitu ya mau digimanain lagi? Whats?? apa nggak mikir ya kehidupan mereka untuk yang lebih baik. Usaha kek, apa kek, dan lain-lain pokoknya bisa untuk hidup PLUS MENINGKATKAN DERAJAT HIDUP Mereka..

Yap.. tapi emang gini keadaan di Indonesia..
Tapi itu menjadi tantangan buat kita generasi muda buat lebih peduli akan nasib bangsa kita.
Nggak mau kan Indonesia di cap negeri boneka, yang penduduknya gampang banget diatur2 sedemikian rupa untuk kepentingan kelompok satu dan lainnya.



Did u ever feel lonely?
did u feel sick?
did u feel numb?
did u feel angry?
did u feel not alright with this environment?

yes... i do right now..
im so lonely..
so lonely
because u're not here..
u're doesnt come here...
when i need u so much...
but u can't be here...

it's so pathetic..
so lonely..
im so lonely

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What Family For?

Yang gue tau tentang Keluarga adalah:
1. Solider
2. Saling Tolong Menolong
3. Gak Kenal Pamrih
4. Membantu bukan malah bikin masalah
5. Selalu ada setiap kali dibutuhkan (soalnya pasti larinya ke keluarga lagi)

tapi.. apa sih yang gue lihat:
1. Backstabber
2. Bukan kasih solusi malah bikin masalah baru
3. Emosian
4. Gak ngehargain pendapat dan jerih payah
5. Omdo...

udah ah.. males gw nerusinnya lagi..
mending liburan..

happy holiday joy joy...

with love,

Monday, December 22, 2008

Listen Carefully

Even the worst word came to my mouth, and it suddenly make her heart gone bad...
And I feel terrible for that... I think so stupid when i said that u really annoying.
Ur to silly, sissy, and soooooo overprotected...
I just can stand and yelling her so much.

But i should realize,
Who get me born in this world?
Who gave me alive when i'm infant with her breast milk,
Who gave me some spirit when i learn to walk,
Who gave me a food when i'm starving,
Who gave me money when i need that for buy something useless,
Who educate me for writing, and speaking so well,
Who caring me so much...

and now.. what i've done..
its nothing... just make herself hurt..

but.. She always forgive me...





Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What kind of Animal Are You??

Dapet dari info tetangga sebelah (gw juga gak kenal tapi sama-sama anak ITB)...
and i try...
and this is the result...

Yudit Saputra

You are Silver Cheetah, who can realize what the other person is wanting.
You take care of that need without being recognized, so people think you as very sociable, friendly and cheerful person.
But you act according to your sense rather than using your mind, so you sometimes make hasty conclusions.
You possess energy to make comments that others are unwilling to, and you will throw everything to achieve final result.
Your weakness is that if you tend to be too single-minded, you can be too subjective.
You have a natural sense to catch the trend of the time.
Your sudden inspiration can become unique wonderful idea.
You tend to believe other people easily and therefore possess the pure heart of a boy.
People will find it difficult to dislike you even if you make easy promises.
You have a tendency to make your own way come through.
Unlike your smart appearance, you can be hard-nosed person.
You have very clear likes and dislikes of people.
You may keep changing jobs, but this will help you exhibit your talent.
You are suited to sales.

try it...